Friday, December 3, 2010

Positive thinking the fuel of our mind

      Every day starts with a stretch and a positive mind thought of how our days will be. Just start to think and imagine what would be our lives if we had no positive thought of our goals and life. We ignore the idea that our thoughts have power and affect all that goes around you. Well were all wrong our positive minds lead us to accept that circumstances that were in and builds up a challenge and a situation to achieve that goal. Positive thinking makes happier relationships, better determination in achieving a goal and many other things. I think that positive thinking has to do with many of the things that I learned in my ENG -101 class this semester. Positive thinking works together with the most recent revolutionized part or our brain the Prefrontal Cortex. When positive thoughts are triggered the prefrontal cortex starts to use its function that is foreseeing the future. As we think with appositive mood is most likely that your motivation and thrive to succeed will be elevated. Most of the thoughts that lead us to happiness and goal achieving are positive thoughts because imagination and motivation work together. The power of positive thinking is beyond that of success is more of who we are and what we have become and what are we trying to achieve. Is like the steps of life and plan that is build day by day from thoughts to imagination to the decision making process. We see the outcomes and the errors we make but as we maintain positive power will always have a reason to survive. The mind power is something that certainly is all around us and we don’t see it is the fuel that persuades us to act and to follow that which is meaningful for us.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Greatful of the things I have

Everyday of my daily life I complaint and complaint of how rutinary my life has been for the last 2 years. How is it that a person of my age can live only by school, work and home no fun at all right. Well i sat down and thought of the many things that work around me and make my life special. Actually i found out that im very fortunate to have these things because without them my life will really be messed up. Im thankful for having family union and love at my home and know that i can allways count with anything from my mom. I am thankful to have reach an education level at the highest of all my family the first one to have ever stepped in college, and learn new skills that will help me to survive life. Im thankful for my health and well being that not many others are furtunate of having. I feel lot greatful for the fact that at least i have a job that brings stability and that i have a safe place that i could call home. Most greatful for having something to eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Seeing how in other countries necesities are hard to reach I'm grateful that my parents have brought me to the United States and that i learned how to communicate in another language which has made me someone better.

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Happily Ever After" Is it True?

Relationships bring happiness and good bonding memories when the seed for love is cultivated and well taken care of. Happiness is made of different chain reactions of our everyday life but the most important happiness comes from relationships themselves, that’s because it brings up meaning into our lives and that thrive to succeed. Relationships could reach a strong meaning for a person when the cultivation to bond is done well. The factors for cultivating love are many in which not many couples get to accomplished. Relationships bring us memories and a feeling that we are loved and cared for which brings security and confidence our selves, leading into happiness.
            In our past time we have socialize with an estimate average of 15,000 individuals or more. Not all of them will occupy a space in our memories and even remember who they were. This is because we as human beings pick those persons that we find interesting and want to bond with, to get to know about each other personalities. Those who occupy that space in your memory could be family, friends but most of all loved ones that you have shared secrets with and know how you really are. Those relationships that relate with love bring a rush a need to do all crazy things with that person and a trust and so for enhance happiness and make good memories.
            Love as described by Helen Fisher an anthropologist studying why we love and cheat. Said “love was discovered to be the most important brain system in our minds”. Rather than emotion was a need a function in our mind that leads us to crave and want to love and that’s why we look out to be so picky when choosing who we bond with. As we try to enrich a relationship our minds start working like a processor following steps that would lead to love and maintaining it. First is the sexual drive which is the concentration of the person that attracts you nothing else but that desire that turns on the spark. Second the beginning of Romantic love obsession of early love this is when everything is happiness and sharing. The couple fill that urge to be together all time and they think it’s all but is just the beginning of what really will flourish from that cultivation. The third step the brain goes into is the most hardest and time taking. Is attachment is the system when after both have know their core self and know have to see if they can validate themselves. At this step the question is would I last with this person forever or plan a future.
            The failures of maintaining the seed of love is when a person falls in the categories of lust for pleasure, love conditionally, and mostly becoming a nihilist. The seed for love may sometimes flourish and fall or not even flourish at all. Due to pleasures that become more satisfying than looking at the core self of that person you with. Sometimes individuals lose the sense of what really love is and confuse with active sex. Sex makes that individual feel great and that he or she loves when at sex  but at the end of that day all that rush and sensation is gone because it’s been satisfied with sex and not with love for that person. Also some people confuse all what they can get when the person they are with can lead them to reach many things and even popularity. This makes those individual hunger to the materialism and satisfying pleasures of wanting more and more stuff and never indeed noticing the person they with. Unconditional love leads individuals into committing acts that they will regret in later time. Nihilist is when an individual follows their environmental society and does what others done and lives a relationship that is always synthesizing happiness from wealth and popularity but never from within and later in time it feels miserable and unhappy because there is no bond between them.
             The cultivation for the seed of love and the steps that it takes to irrigate it well and make it flourish are possible to accomplish but most of the time it fails. Of the many people we meet in our lives not all will be remember and not all will turn on the love brain system that been part of many societies around the world since the history as we know it. Cultivating a relationship is not an easy task that takes 1 or 2 months it goes further than the famous metaphor “And they lived happily forever”. It’s a function that works in our mind and affects the way we think and builds meaning to our lives. As relationships are build and made strong we could fail to maintain cultivating and lose all sense of who we are with and what we want. Confusing love with lust, materialism, and becoming a follower. Love will keep being that amazing system that we crave and go crazy for because we are human beings and will never stop learning from our mistakes.  

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happiness derives from relationships Blog#5

Happiness is made out of different things that make up our daily life but no happiness can be compared to the one delivered by loved ones. Happiness derived from love is to be ranked as one of the most specials happiness because it brings security and confidence. Not only romantic relationships play a part in making you happy. Friends and Family also take huge part in showing you who you really stand for and love you for what you are not for what you are and what you have. Also maintaining a good social communication makes you fit in and belong, not left to a side and ignore.
            As we grow we meet hundreds of people in our life but only certain are kept to be special. Either best friend or loved ones people that inject memories of happiness and good times. Relationships make us happy and bring a meaning for life sometimes but different confidence is delivered from either friends, family members or loved ones. At our childhood our most loved relationships is our parents because they bring confidence and trust as we grow. Parents guide us through our exploration of the world. Even as child’s we tend to love one parent more than the other in my case I preferred my mom she brought security and a feeling of help whenever I was in trouble.
            Later in life as we enter the teenage lifestyle we still are being cared and watch by our parents, but as you socialize with people around where you live or school. We start to focusing on blending in with the group or meeting someone that can be a best friend or expressing more than friendship. That’s when love starts to show itself on other rather than your parents and family. You feel the sensation of self security and trust with that person. We start to look up to what I learned in the book Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar the persons self core which is to look or what others look in our inner self. Our personality brings up the reasons we fall in love unconditionally or conditionally.
            At the moment we live our adulthood relationships have taught us love and pain which leave experiences. Happiness will not only be build on whether you become successful or not as human beings we need to be care of and fit in to a group of people. Other than romantic relationships and family we need to socialize with people that share the same thoughts and become great friends of us. Relationships like friend bring guide and fun experiences these are people that become holders of our secrets and people you feel comfortable to talk with. Socializing is a relationship that makes part of our life and builds up our personality and brings happiness of belonging somewhere.
            Relationships bring up most of our happiness in our lives because they are the meaning of life in most cases and are the fuel that drives us to success in life. Relationships fill our day with tasks and schedules to show care for them. Make us look into what we really like of that person seeing their core self and not their professions and materialism. Most important of all happiness is delivered thanks to the companionship and care that is shown mutually to each other and those important memories that are made of those moments.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Working For Happiness

            Trying to correlate a balance of happiness and work at the same time is something hard to accomplish. As for many of us when we hear the word work something goes inside of us that make us feel lazy, depress, or feel anxiety for the job we do. Working is not something we all  find  to be pleasure   in doing because there’s not a lot of fun at work. Jobs have to be done due to our currency need to survive and to satisfy our needs. The only way to be happy at work is to feel that you actually like being there and there is a good social communication. So that you as a person can fit in and feel great to what your tasks are.
            The word work as described in the book Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar , stems from the root of the Hebrew language as slave. Work has been carried since the beginning of our human survival skills. It’s looked upon something to have done rather than loved to do. Work is the way to survive and the only way we could reach currency. Currency satisfies the needs and pleasures that bring us joy and happiness. So for every dollar spend on something that’s going to make you happy there is hard work that had to be done to earn that dollar.
            To be earning happiness and good memories we must sometimes earn dollars. To do that we must work and try to think that that the work we doing is fun and in reality is not. Sometimes we foresee all the things we can get after earning our check and we just work for the need to satisfy those pleasures of life like going somewhere or buying something you was looking for. In my case when I’m a about to get paid my brain starts calculating what things I really want to buy and actually need that will make me happy.
            A famous Quote by Abraham Maslow “the most beautiful fate, the most wonderful good fortune that can happen to any human being, is to be paid for doing that which he passionately loves to do.” Education might be the lead to find those kinds of jobs that we look forward to having. Before you reach that dream job you will become an expert on many others like waiter, cashier, newspaper deliverer and it goes on. Jobs are a part of our daily life and the build ups of every person’s future whether you work hard or not will resemble you in the future. Those jobs that bring stress and anxiety and depression can be fun and enjoyable if several steps are taken.  Sometimes we could implement things like in my case at work I tend to talked to everyone at work and it feels like a team. When something is accomplished we all feel that we contributed to that success. When a costumer talks to me back in a good manner giving me good feedback just makes me feel great that I’m doing my job well.
                Happiness and work are two main goals for our everyday life. If work is not done then there is little chance that money will come your way and not be able to satisfy your needs and pleasures that bring joy. Work is not always the place that someone wants to be at sometimes we daydream at work wishing our day goes fast and that pay day comes to buy our things that synthesize happiness or make money an experience with the family. Our dream job is the goal to survive and do whatever it takes to get there. Making our boring jobs a little bit happy can make us feel contributed in the place or company we work at. In the future I will be proud of myself for accomplishing my goals and reaching that what I love to do and see back to what all kinds of jobs I did and what skills I learned as a worker that will lead me at success

Friday, October 15, 2010

Making Education Count To Happiness

     My perspective towards education has always been like a process in which i have
to confront to pursue a well being in the future. I find myself so intrigue to learn that
every day that I come to college I will end up learning something new by the end of the day . Sometimes the thoughts of whether if i will be able to reach up to the end of my
 education bring up so much stress. Which bring up other problems when trying to get
 work done at college i see that i tend to fall in the term of procrastinating. Which is the
 hobby of thinking that work is better to leave of till the last minute instead of beginning
 early and students find to do things more incorrect when using this method. This has
 been away in which i have done most of my work at college leaving it for the last
 minute. It might be because of the when i think of school work i prefer to do what is
 making me happier  at that moment and leave it a side. I am sure that a lot of us know
 how hard it is to find school work fun and enjoyable.
 Education has been part of my life for 13 years and it has made of me mostly
everything the way i speak,  how i write, the way i think , and the way i express my selfto others. I feel very great to know that i have chosen to attend college and learn evenmore things that i could integrate in to my life. Sometimes the feeling of boredom andanxiety  comes when difficult projects are given and  my hobby of falling in toprocrastination becomes a  big problem leaving big projects till the last minute. I havethought of many steps how to change my ways of working with school tasks and how to make education experience more fun and enjoyable for me. My first step was to makemy days at college a bit more creative and not think of the difficult task that need to be done. Maybe adding other creative tasks like working out or getting involved in the aquatics team could bring better experiences and enjoy classes as i learned from the video that i saw at class by  Ken Robinson. ( Says that schools kill creativity) 
At college i have experience the seriousness of having a paper due on time. The
responsibility that must have been taken to be able to reach far and gain my goal. I
have a bad hobby of falling into procrastination that sometimes leads me with low
grades. Then the feeling of regret i should of done this better earlier than now those are
questions that come into mind. I have thought of many ways how to deal with this
problem and i have notice a way to find myself in the zone like the chart on the book of
Happier by Tal Ben- Shahar  describes ( that everyone has a way to find their best time
to be on the zone and actually love and enjoy your work). So I tried to experiment on
myself and to try to find out in what kind of environment and at what time do I feel great
to learn and get information into my brain. I was surprised to find out that I actually got
happy when i read and learned new things. One day I went to the library at the college
and headed to the second floor and saw no interruptions or place more quiet than that
place and at early ours. I started to focused work and left the TV and video games
hobbies a side. Ate something good in the morning after a good 8 hour sleep and open
the test book in the library an I notice that i did not felt boredom or anxiety just  felt in the
    Other Impacts that tend to break you away from reaching an enjoyable education are
the facts of real life matters. In my case i was not lucky to get the advantages that most
of people get from the government. I have been working at my at my full time job and
paid my education for 2 years. Things are pretty difficult for me to just be concentrating
on school work when I have other things to worry outside school. I notice that a lot my
friends have that opportunity to reach an education and be someone don not take those
chances. So I look at myself and feel proud with the little i earn i have accomplished
and done something that will take me on forward. Some people  usually tell me why do I
keep wasting money on college and I answer them back “ it’s not a waste of money is
an investment for my own person and my future”
            Education for me is now a really concern and a path I and almost everyone must
go on to make a part of them to be someone in life. Barriers might be seen difficult but
could be overcome and great achievements will be accomplished when I find myself at
the place I want to be at and be who I want to be. To make education my progress I
must undergo huge steps and always try to make it easy and enjoyable as I can. This
will cause the happiness in learning and being at a place where I can learn and
socialize with many other minds and what motivation is better than happiness but
happiness itself  so ill keep forward to accomplish my dream of working for a
multimillionaire corporation.      

                                                           Work Cited
  • Schools kill creativity, Ken Robinson, TED 2006, Filmed February 2006

  • TAL BEN - SHAHAR, PH.D, Happier. McGraw - Hill Companies: May,10,2007

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Education = Happiness

Is education the way to prosper and meet the goal of reaching happiness. That is a good question almost everybody ask themselves when reaching adult hood. We find ourselves in an era were education has expanded to thousands of subjects leading to many kinds of jobs but do everyone knows for sure what he or she wants to be when they grow up. At childhood we dream of what we want to be and it looks easy like a dream to come true but as you grow those dreams and goals start being blocked by barriers and situations of the real life.
In my case i appreciate the fact that i have had the strength and taken the steps to reach were i am right now, i feel mostly less worried than all of my family members. Mainly because i am the only one that has ever stepped in a college and reached a higher education. I feel that being here at this moment writing this paper is a privilege to take advantage,of showing all my class mates my skills and thoughts and learn from my mistakes. I do think that the higher i go in my education i will make a better person of my self in the future. I am in the 3rd semester almost reaching the end of my 2 year associate degree and i ask my self that this is just half way of what is ahead. This causes the many question and doubts of whether i should stay in college or just start focusing on any job that i find.
The feeling of going through the stages of education for me is like walking through a rope above an abyss of many temptations of giving up but each step that i take and i find that I am still in balance. I feel happy to find my self there and that if i continue like this i will soon reach the end of this walk and be happy to know that i reached a goal that was dreamed years ago. I have thought that as long as i have a job and find my self stable i will keep having time to keep up with my education as hard the obstacles are. I find in my self a motivation that tells me that if i keep this way the opportunities to work in a place were i will feel comfortable and socially interact with many others at my same level will make me feel great.
So as i have explained and ask this question again can education bring a well balanced life and happiness within? My answer is yes it totally can as long as you keep up with that will to thrive and succeed there will be no limits. you might not end up wealthy but happier you will. Data shown from a article that we read in our English class  explained in a dotted graph the correlation between those that had higher education levels and those that had lower education levels. The graph from the article posted to the New york times by Catherine Rampell showed that education ha brought good capital and a well balanced life and brings a positive feed back making persons realize that they represent something good for themselves and for their families.
Well do i think if my education is going to lead me in to a happy future? yes i think it will as long as my experiences in life lead me to something good. Hoping that every day that passes lead me to my goal and for once cross that rope and see that i have made it. see that within me i always thought that staying in school was the best choice i have made in my life. Hoping that when i do i can refer back to this paper and think how hard i worked and smile.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Experience of Impact Bias

Can we  try to avoid the ability of forecasting the future and its outcomes. I certainly think the answer is no. This effect is known as the “Impact Bias” a  foreseeing of the future
that makes us imagine and regulate our own decisions. In today’s modern world the “Impact Bias” its a great issue among every day of our lives i think that i go through this more than 65 times a day thinking and thinking What if?, What will happen?,  Can I do this?. thoughts like this invade our minds especially with a society that lives in a huge city
like New York, a place were the decisions to purchase an item at any location makes us
have more than one million calculations in our mind because we wouldn’t be sure which of which of all choices out there will really leave us happy.
“A great gap between what we predict and what we ultimately experience is how Daniel Gilbert defines Impact Bias”. A gap were the outcomes of what we thought to happen could lead to regret of the decision made ,and views of the present. The Impact Bias as I have learn with the videos we saw in class  starts with the evolution of the prefrontal cortex a part in our brains that has evolutionized  our mind during the last 1 million years. Has helped us to gain the ability to stimulate the future. Which has lead us to the present that we live right now.
Other psychologist like Loewenstain describe how impact bias is affected by our moods. A term he calls “hot states and cold states” hot meaning anger, anxiety, sex, drugs, etc. Cold meaning total relaxation and no worries. Loewenstain practiced an experiment on how impact bias is affected by cold and hot when at the brink of having sexual contact. The psychologist notice that couples when at the hot states take the risks of having unprotected sex defy the thoughts of the future and live the present because happiness has appear, when they will certainly disagree if they were in the cold state were the thoughts travel smoothly.
In my daily routine i face Impact Bias more than one hundred times. Simple thoughts like what time should i go to class to get there on time?, What should i eat today at my break yes maybe that will  taste good. Thoughts that ran through my mind 5 minutes ago then when i see the outcomes of my decisions i either regret or feel happy of my decision.
I think that impact bias is an important factor in our lives i come to think that impact bias is
a gap between the present questions of life and the future out comes but is also like a chain of events that connects all choices and even fluctuates with our moods. I as a human being feel so special to have learn that my mind has evolutionized and carries the ability to
forecast the future to make sure we reach the simple feelings of joy, laughter which bring happiness to us.                                                       
    The moment you encounter your self in right now might be caused by the decision you took a moment ago due to many calculations and thoughts of how the future will be. Choices that connect and connect with new outcomes that lead to the simplest thoughts of happiness. Our society in this city encounters so many choices that might lead to happiness do to the advance marketing and choices of many things. Impact bias affects me so much when purchasing shoes because so many thought of yes i will look good on these but when i get home i think otherwise.This whole system of how our brain works to regulate our acts by stimulating the goal of being happy will always lead us to the impact bias procedure so that our daily task have a meaning and motivation to keep surviving life